Every Dish Tells A Story : Film Project

Every Dish Tells A Story is running a project for aspiring film makers in the Flinders Ranges.

We are inviting people with some film experience – ie mini docs or photo stories, that kind of thing – who would be interested in coming up to participate in this project, which is designed to provide hands on film making experience and develop creative contact with the regional culture of the Flinders Ranges.

It is presented as a creative one-on-one workshop being hosted by Cindi Drennan, Projectroom and Flinders Ranges Council, supported by Country Arts. During the workshop we match up people with some film making skills, with a local Flinders Ranges person, to make a short story about food of the Flinders Ranges. This process is supported with technical and crew support, and willing helpers where needed.

We are supporting people participating in this workshop with accomodation, travel support, equipment if needed, and technical / training support. The dates are by negotiation from 31 March through to 20 May, and can be anywhere from 2 days to 5 days duration of stay. All films created through this process will be featured in the Every Dish Tells A Story project and shown at a film presentation in late May.

Our first confirmed participants are Joel Panther, Derek Rogers, and John Mannion. Joel Panther will be in Quorn from 25th to 31st of March, and the first films he makes will be presented at the Launch of the event, at the Austral Inn, Quorn on 31st March at 7PM.

Interested film makers and film students should contact Cindi directly to find out more.

Cindi Drennan
0412 534 999

Every Dish Tells A Story:

Every Dish Tells A Story is a cultural heritage project that has received support from Country Arts SA, Arts SA, Projectroom, Quorn Caravan Park, Austral Inn, and Flinders Ranges Council.