Region: Port Augusta
What does your Digital Media involve?
I’m a graphic designer/videographer/visual effects artist working for Froling Enterprises. My recent projects include 3d animation for TV ads, documentaries, web development and educational games.
What does the term “Digital Media” mean to you?
I guess I could narrow it down to any means of communication that gets made into ones and zeroes.
How do you present your Digital Media?
For learning, I love how online video has grown into such a great learning tool. My knowledge of software skyrocketed once I was able to watch a user move the mouse around an interface and explain what they were doing; far more inspiring than struggling through written tutorials!
What medium do you work in?
My work involves all of the above, which is why some projects can become quite exhausting!
How did you learn your skills?
I completed a Diploma in Multimedia at Prides Business College in 1999-2000, which was the most enjoyable academic experience of my life. This gave me a great introduction to the tools I use. Having said that, most of my learning has occurred on the job, which has been both exciting and scary.
Do you see yourself as a hobbyist, emerging or professional?
After ten years of working in the industry, I consider myself a professional, however like all humans; I have strengths in certain areas and really push myself to constantly build on my strengths and weaknesses.
Have you come from a traditional media background and made a transition, or always used DM… Tell us about your path?
I come from drawing, painting and sculpting. My drawing and sculpting skills have been a major asset for producing digital content, although they’re not essential skills for working in this industry.
What are the skills you use in your digital media work?
My traditional sculpting skills are very useful for 3D modelling, while my understanding of anatomy, light, colour blending, drawing and line quality come into play for many different jobs.
Is your digital media something you have been drawn to do, or has it been a survival skill?
I was definitely drawn to digital media after seeing the wide angle reveal of the computer generated T-Rex in Jurassic Park back in 1993, which absolutely floored me. From there it was a matter of waiting for home computers to become powerful enough and affordable to have a crack at conjuring up my own creations.
Ironically, I mostly look to good old fashioned print media to keep up to date with digital tools, subscribing to magazines such as 3D World, which let me know of new developments.
Does being familiar with digital media and the tools you use give you any edge in your work or life?
As with anybody involved with media, the field encourages you to be observant, which really gives you a great appreciation of your surroundings; whether it be the ability to make your own fun, or to see business opportunities all around you.
Where do you see these skills taking you in the future?
I hope to make a short film in the near future – possibly a Sci-Fi short or a small creature feature.
What do others think of you and your work?
Given that I spend a lot of time with customers, I hope I come across as a creative professional. I really try to humanise the technology I use in the company of those less technically inclined. Having said that, I’m very much a big kid at heart and I have the toys on my computer desk at home to prove it!
Are other forms of technology or software providing you with new opportunities – tell us about it
Social media has given independent filmmakers a distribution point, as well as fantastic platform for the sharing of ideas on countless subjects.
Is there anything else?
Do your best to find a line of work that you love!