Digital Salon responses to Library/Hack

The Digital Salon Library'Hack project. The selected artists have completed their Library/Hack responses and they are here for your enjoyment!

Through Digital Salon, 4 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN artists have been invited to participate in Library/Hack, to create examples of THEIR interpretations of a small selection of Library/data to create a film (or other example of digital media). Two of these people are regional artists, selected from the Digital Salon network and profiles.

The selected artists have completed their Library/Hack responses and they are here for your enjoyment!

Jessica Foster (Mt Gambier)

Jessica Foster demonstrates her creative approach to using iconic and nostalgic images from the State Library of South Australia collections, to create a whimsical and animated video “An Embellished Road Trip”.


Stuart Nankivell (Port Augusta)

Stu made this comic gem “Woomera – the People behind the Rockets” combining a zany voice over, three images from the collection, and more than a dash of humour.


Luku Kukuku (Adelaide)

Luku Trembath created a video using the SLSA collection image of a butcher shop. “Old Time Butcher’s Tayle” is an example of Luku’s passion for using old stuff, and mixing them with his animation skills and digital technology.


Sam Collins (Adelaide)

Using a picture of Noel Coward and the Koalas (1938) as a starting point, the film explores how famous young playwright Noel Coward came to be in Australia, and indeed, how the Koalas came to be there too. Why were famous visitors encouraged to pose with koalas? How did Koalas get their iconic status? What was Noel thinking with that spotty bow tie? The story is a whirlwind tour, touching on evolutionary biology, flamboyant theatre, the inter-war years and the making of modern Australia – yes, in 3 minutes!

To see the full length version of this mashup on youtube, watch:


The image source for their “mashup” comes from one or more of the images available for download from the web page here:

The Libraryhack competition will be held in May 2011 with mashup and hack events held across Australia. You can check out the Libraryhack competition categories and prizes and start working on your apps and mashups right away. Entries in the competition will be accepted from 1 May.