Digital Salon is a showcase of digital media and makers from Regional SA.
To make contact with regional digital media makers, Digital Salon is presenting networking events in ten regions, including the Barossa, Berri and Renmark in the Riverland, Mt Gambier, Port Augusta, Whyalla, Port Pirie, Ceduna, Port Lincoln, and Murray Bridge. In each town we will be calling out for local media makers, photographers, film makers, coders, multimedia artists who like to showcase their work and have it included in the tour, and to people interested in putting on the event or coming along to check it out…
All events will feature media made by practitioners around SA, and provide opportunities for people to talk about process, promotion and exposure of their work. Some of the events will also involve workshops to provide some training and development.
You can contact Digital Salon directly to make contact, or be in touch with Country Arts SA Arts Officers for each of the communities who can provide more info. As dates and venues are finalized you will find the information posted on the pages for each place.
People around Barossa Digital Salon Event date: Digital Salon was held at Barossa Regional Gallery on 13th May 2011 Contact info: |
People around Berri, and the Riverland Event date: TBA – This event will follow up from the Renmark digital salon which was held in March 2011. Contact info: |
People around Ceduna > Get in touch! Event date: TBA Contact info: Megan Collins – info [at] |
People around Port Augusta Event date: Digital Salon “Focus on Port Augusta” will be held on the 23rd June 2011 Contact info: |
People around Port Lincoln > Get in touch! Event date: TBA Contact info: Megan Collins – info [at] |
People around Port Pirie > Get in touch! Event date: TBA Event info: Contact info: Megan Collins – info [at] |
People around Mount Gambier Event date: 28th July 2011 Event info: Contact info: Megan Collins – info [at]
People around Murray Bridge Event date: A pilot digital salon was held in August 2010. A Salon is planned for late 2011. Contact info: Megan Collins – info [at]
People around Renmark and the Riverland Event date: Renmark digital salon was held on March 24 2011. A future event is planned, date TBA. Contact info: